Dear Supporters,
Election Day is almost here! Please see below for a message from Studio City for Quiet Skies on candidates committed to fighting with us for relief from flight path changes at Burbank Airport and Van Nuys Airport.
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Election Day is in one week, on Tuesday, November 8th. Voting has begun. We have been meeting with candidates to educate them about the ongoing jet crisis. These are the people who are eager to stand with us and against the relocated flight paths: MAYOR: We have educated both the Bass and Caruso campaigns and these are the statements we have received regarding Burbank Airport:
Rick Caruso: Rick Caruso is “concerned about the impacts of the flight path to our communities… Quality of life is central to several issues of his mayoral campaign, and his administration will do everything it can to make sure the residents of Los Angeles are not ignored by the FAA."
Karen Bass: According to the Bass campaign, “Burbank Airport exports noise and pollution into neighboring Los Angeles communities of Studio City and Sherman Oaks.” As Mayor, Bass will “push Burbank Airport to take action, and work with regional officials and community groups to improve the health of our communities impacted by airports and flight paths.”
CITY ATTORNEY: Hydee Feldstein Soto has demonstrated her support and will continue the City’s efforts on our behalf.
CD5: Both Sam Yebri and the Katy Yaroslavsky campaign have provided statements of support. However, we met in person with Sam Yebri and received personal assurances that he will champion our cause.
COUNTY SUPERVISOR: Robert Hertzberg has supported us in the past and has expressed his continued support on behalf of jet impacted communities.
STATE ASSEMBLY: Laura Friedman. We have spoken to her at length and she now knows that she will be representing those residents heavily impacted by BUR jets.
CONTROLLER: Paul Koretz is a long-standing supporter and understands the harm done by relocated and concentrated flight paths.
In a letter to Representative Sherman dated 10/24/22, the FAA states that preparation of the BUR draft Environmental Assessment is “ongoing” and did not provide a timeline for completion. FAA also rejected six BUR Task Force recommendations but noted that the Agency remains “committed to working with the airport and communities.” Read the letter HERE.
LA v FAA (BUR Terminal Case) Oral Arguments were on October 18. We are awaiting the Court's decision. Watch Oral Arguments HERE starting at the 42 minute mark.
BUR used Federal Infrastructure Funds to provide BUR/FAA attorneys with technical support to fight Los Angeles’s lawsuit against the BUR Replacement Terminal Project. This federal funding is meant to be used for building infrastructure. BUR’s use of taxpayer money to fight the terminal lawsuit (that alleges the project’s environmental defects) is inappropriate and directly counters the intent behind the federal funds. Read the 10/18/22 Burbank Leader/Outlook News article HERE.
BUR to undergo a Part 150 noise study as required by the Task Force to help the heavily impacted Southern SFV, but it will only study the area immediately surrounding the airport, not our community. Read the 9/6/22 Burbank Leader/Outlook News article HERE.
The VNY Redesign is moving forward. Read the 9/27/22 FAA/LAWA letter HERE.
On our radar: Urban Air Mobility (UAM) or “flying taxis” (holding 2 to 4 passengers) are moving forward at a breakneck pace in Los Angeles and threaten to be stacked in the same airspace used by commercial jets, general aviation, and helicopters, at a mere 350 feet above ground level. FAA has not provided any regulatory or environmental framework, yet start-up companies are pushing hard to just get them up in the air and figure it out later. Thus far, the community has been excluded from this process but must be provided full stakeholder status. Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved.